Bank of america sync with quicken 2015 for mac
Bank of america sync with quicken 2015 for mac

bank of america sync with quicken 2015 for mac

bank of america sync with quicken 2015 for mac

I got downloaded transaction data like - $4.95" and wondered why my bank was swearing at me, rather than telling me I spent $4.95 at Jack In the Box on the corner of Walker and Jenkins then plotting it on a map. Painting slow.Īccounts open and closed, banks changed account numbers, banks changed OFX servers, things broke. I tried culling the data, to include just the last 10, then 5, then 2 years. Remember I've got Money files with data going back decades, plural. Oh! A new version of money! It must be 365 days better! I paid my $49.95, then got the Deluxe the next year for $79.95, then the super Deluxe Business Edition. Then came the fancy stuff, and the advertising and upselling. It focused on one thing and one thing only - to be a local register for all your money.

bank of america sync with quicken 2015 for mac

It had a forward/backward browser like metaphor and was unapologetic about it. It wasn't trying to be like the MDI (Multiple Document Interface) "peer applications" of time. To this day, I'm convinced that Microsoft Money 95 was brilliant, wonderful and before its time. I diligently have exported and imported, massaged and cajoled over 20 years (yes, twenty) of financial data from my first sole-proprietorship at 15 until today moving accounts and account data from bank to bank and from PFM to PFM. I used QuickBooks, then OFX (Open Financial eXchange - arguably the first public "Web Service," even though it's SGML and bailing-wire - and moved forward as new, better personal finance managers (PFM) came out.

#Bank of america sync with quicken 2015 for mac how to

Even though I took "Home Economics" in school - we were all required to learn how to balance a checkbook - it never made sense to me why I should have to reconcile how much I THINK I have with how much the Bank knows I have. I used QuickBooks under DOS, and ComputerServe Finance under OS/2. I've always avoided checks, preferring to do as much as I can electronically. I've been banking online as long as I've been online.

Bank of america sync with quicken 2015 for mac